Lanit-Tercom on the hunt for talented students
Each year Lanit-Tercom participates in the job fair held at St. Petersburg University every April and May for young people.
The company offers a wide range of opportunities for students and young specialists. Besides the chance to grow and develop their skills in a professional environment, Lanit-Tercom provides an extensive educational program and advanced training: foreign language classes, a variety of training seminars, certification programs, and education focused on emerging technology. The talented young people who decided on a career developing hardware and software see Lanit-Tercom as a chance to participate in the company’s innovational, nonstandard, and knowledge-intensive projects, all while leveraging an array of cutting-edge technology and development tools.
The student job fair this year was a run-away success. Many students were already familiar with the company, making a beeline for our information stand. Those who weren’t yet aware of the enticing offers we have for young people were able to learn about summer school, student projects, and landing a job.
The Lanit-Tercom HR department has prioritized the search for up-and-coming students, and the company has every right to be proud that many of our employees started work with us back before they graduated. The company and its employees have been able to grow and develop together. Many of those students are now department directors or project managers, while quite a few of our employees complement their work at Lanit-Tercom with research work and teaching.