Mathematical Software
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Competence center is focused on the software for mathematical algorithms in different domain areas. LANIT-TERCOM skills combine experience in proprietary algorithms and customers algorithms development, adaptation of algorithms by defined technology or productivity requirements. LANIT-TERCOM solutions are designed to help customers solve their nonstandard technological and mathematical problems. Systematic and methodological approach to every mathematic or R&D task dramatically improves the results.
- Deep knowledge of specific algorithms adaptation
- Use of proprietary and customer’s algorithms
- Close cooperation with the strongest scientific professionals from St Petersburg
- State University (Mathematics and Mechanics department), IT Institute and training center
- 4 full professors and 16 PhDs
- Established relationship with the academic world (American, Finnish, Swedish and German universities)
- Standard and specialized preprocessing images and videostream
- Compression algorithms of various kinds of data streams, including images
- Use of color spaces, interpolation and processing of color images
- Detection and filtering at the boundaries in image segmentation task
- Descriptions of various kinds of borders and algorithms for their association
- Segmentation of various objects starting from simple (linear sections, spatial area, the small size) till detection of human faces
- Set of algorithms for solving OCR problems (binarization, segmentation, thinning boundaries, morphological analysis, dilation/erosion filters)
- Pattern recognition: building attribute spaces, classification of objects, self-learning system of recognition
- Automatic testing and tuning of classification algorithms using databases of images
- Detection and tracking of objects in a videostream in real time
- Build 3D models of objects from a series of frames
- Construction and processing distance cards to images of objects in the scene using binocular systems
- Evaluation of metric characteristics of moving pictures of objects and their dynamics over a series of frames
- Development of algorithms for data visualization, including 3D graphics
- Digital signal processing
- Video processing
- Model-based calculations for energy stations
- Logistics
- Mathematical software