Comprehensive maintenance of IS “Payment for non-residential premises”

The information system “Payment for non-residential premises” operates with the participation of the State Unitary Enterprise VCCP “Housing economy” for the purpose of realization of billing to owners and tenants of non-residential premises owned by St. Petersburg. Complex maintenance and administration of IS databases is carried out by LLC LANIT-TERCOM.
LANIT-TERCOM provides complex maintenance of the operation of the Information System “Payment for non-residential premises” of the Centralized Automated System “Payments for housing and utility services”, which is a part of the City System “Housing relations. Payment Acceptance Center”. The project works are aimed at ensuring uninterrupted operation and prompt correction of possible errors and failures within the regulated technological process of information system operation, as well as administration of IS databases.
The information system “Payment for non-residential premises” operates 24 hours 7 days a week.
Technologies: 1C: Enterprise 8.2, MS SQL Server